If you’re on a budget but still want to get traffic and links, blogger outreach is effective. In this guide, I’ll show you 7 ways to find the right bloggers for your content, and then how to approach them for an opportunity to be featured on their site.

Join a blogger outreach marketplace

You’ve probably heard of a blogger outreach marketplace, but maybe you don’t know what they are or why they would be useful to your business.

Blogger outreach marketplaces help bloggers find work as well as companies and services that need content creators. They also help companies find relevant influencers to reach out to on social media (in order to get links and traffic).

When using an influencer marketing platform like this, you can create lists based on topics, interests, and other personal details about the people you would like to contact. You can then have the platform automatically send emails through a template with pre-written messages tailored for each recipient; this means less time spent drafting emails yourself!

There are several benefits of using these kinds of platforms:

Find related blogs

To find related blogs, look for sites that cover topics similar to yours. This is especially important if you are a niche blogger. If you are writing about dogs and there are a million other blogs on the same topic, chances are they will be getting most of the attention (and links). You want to find those unique topics that aren’t covered by many others yet still have an audience.

A good way to discover related blogs is to use BuzzSumo’s “related” search tool. Just enter one of your main keywords into the search bar and it’ll pull up posts that share similar content! From there you can sort through them and see which ones already rank higher and what types of content they tend to write about frequently.

If you’re looking for popular bloggers in general or within a specific niche, Scribe can help: They have a list of high-authority sources ranging from Pinterest accounts all the way up through Forbes articles so no matter where your industry fits within their thousands upon thousands​of listings;

Find popular articles on high domain authority sites like Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Reddit.

  • Find popular articles on high domain authority sites like Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Reddit
  • Use the “Content Research” feature in BuzzSumo to find these types of posts. It lets you search for keywords, authors, and domains.
  • Use Google Autocomplete and search suggestion tool to find popular content that has been shared the most on social media.
  • Make a list of bloggers that have covered similar topics to your own

Use the “Content Research” feature in BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo’s Content Research tool shows you the most shared content on a topic. By using the tool, you can find content ideas that have been proven to be popular and successful. If you’re stuck for ideas or want more inspiration, this feature is perfect for finding new topics to write about.

Once you have found your list of suggested content ideas (you can filter by category), use them as inspiration for new posts on your blog and keep an eye out for blogs that link out to them.

Use Google Autocomplete and search suggestion tool

Google Autocomplete is a great way to find topics.

Search suggestions are also helpful—especially if you’re looking for popular posts on a new site or blog. For example, if you type “best” into the search bar and then click on “See more,” here’s what Google suggests:

This could be an amazing topic for an article! You’re not limited to just one option, either; try typing in multiple words that start with the same letter:

These suggestions can lead you to some pretty good topics!

Make a list of bloggers that have covered similar topics to your own

  • Find blogs that have covered similar topics to your own.
  • Look for bloggers who have high domain authority, are active on social media, and are likely to respond to your outreach.
  • Find bloggers who have a history of linking to other sites in their content and ask them if they’d be willing to link back when you get published (if you haven’t been published yet).

Build relationships with influencers in your industry (not just bloggers) who will share your content or link to you.

Another way to get links and traffic from blogger outreach is to build relationships with influencers in your industry (not just bloggers) who will share your content or link to you.

The first step is finding the right influencers and identifying what they like, don’t like, and want to be involved in. You can do this by checking out their social media profiles on LinkedIn or Twitter, their company website, or even the pages of other businesses they’ve worked with.

Once you’ve found some possible candidates for outreach opportunities, contact them—and keep contacting them until they respond! Follow up once a week if there’s no response initially so that they don’t forget about your message.

Here are some examples of influential people at different stages:

If you’re on a budget but still want to get traffic and links, blogger outreach is effective.

If you are on a budget but still want to get traffic and links, blogger outreach is effective. Finding blogs that are relevant to your niche and their recent popular articles is the most effective way to get links and traffic because they already have high domain authority. This will help rank your website higher in Google search results.


We hope this blog post helped you understand how blogger outreach can help your business. If you’re on a budget but still want to get traffic and links, using blogger outreach is effective. It doesn’t take much time or money if done correctly, but it does require patience and a lot of hard work.